What Actually Causes And Actual Lightning Flash??
Okay Guys, so remember Yesterday I talked about the Birth of Lightning. Stepped Leaders, and Upward Streamers. I talked about what has to happen before a Bolt of Lightning to happen. Now as for a Lightning Strike itself. How does That Process Work? Well The entire Stepped Leader Process happen. Now once the Stepped Leader and Upward Streamer actually meet, In which they generally tend to meet about 30-40 meters above the Ground, I call this the "Point Of Contact" see Below Now once this Point of Contact is established, at this point there is a clear link between the cloud and the ground (Electric Wise) this is a clear Path for the Lightning Strike to take through the air. So after this point there is what meteorologist call a "Return Stroke". See the Negative Charges have already dispersed from within the Cloud base through the Stepped Leader Process. Remember they couldn't handle all that charge. So Now at this point, the Build Up of...