Tropical Arkansas!?!?!?!
GoodMorning Everybody! I know you're probably wondering what's up with my Title Lol. Well, I have something to share with you guys. Okay, so you remember last Post, I touched on the subject of the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season activity picking up right.? Well turns out that I was actually right! It was more of a "Hunch" Comment if you will, that I made. I didn't want to say it because I was unsure about that feeling regarding the Hurricane Season because it's been soo long since we've had to discuss Hurricanes here in Arkansas. But there is a System developing in the Atlantics that is catching my attention...... ⇩↓▼ The last memorable Hurricane that even had a memorable impact on Arkansas was Hurricane Gustav in August of 2008. That was the last Major Tropical System that had a significant impact on Life here in Arkansas. NOW, WITH THAT SAID! I DO NOT THINK, this System will even be remotely close to tha...