
Showing posts from August, 2016

Tropical Arkansas!?!?!?!

     GoodMorning Everybody! I know you're probably wondering what's up with my Title Lol. Well, I have something to share with you guys. Okay, so you remember last Post, I touched on the subject of the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season activity picking up right.? Well turns out that I was actually right! It was more of a "Hunch" Comment if you will, that I made. I didn't want to say it because I was unsure about that feeling regarding the Hurricane Season because it's been soo long since we've had to discuss Hurricanes here in Arkansas. But there is a System developing in the Atlantics that is catching my attention......            ⇩↓▼      The last memorable Hurricane that even had a memorable impact on Arkansas was Hurricane Gustav in August of 2008. That was the last Major Tropical System that had a significant impact on Life here in Arkansas. NOW, WITH THAT SAID! I DO NOT THINK, this System will even be remotely close to tha...

PRELIMINARY Fall&Winter Outlook&Thoughts

     Heyy Everybody! Long Time No Talk!! I just haven't found the need to post much because not much has happened other than our usual weather pattern.... We'll talk about that here in a minute. I was going to do this update Yesterday Night, but by the time I got my thoughts right, and organized it was too late. I then fell asleep, in which I have been for majority of this off day of mine. So now I'm just getting to the point @9:30pm to where I can type this thing out. Now that I cleared my chest. ▼↓↙       This Weather Pattern we've been in has been unusual for this time of year. You can attribute that to weaker high pressure than before. But because of that substantial lack of high pressure, the humidity levels have been AWFUL this year. Humidity is nothing but moisture...... That's it. Whether it's hot moisture, or cooler moisture. It's Moisture! Humidity is what makes it feel hotter than it is, humidity is what makes you sweat bullets! Humidity is when...