New Years Eve/New Years Forecast 2016/2017
Hey Everybody! How's it goin! I'm coming with an official Forecast for New Years Eve 2016/ New Years 2017. Everybody has been counting Winter out just because we had a Mild and HUMID Christmas, Last Christmas was Even More Warm than this one and not long after New Years Winter REALLY KICKED OFF! Now back in February of this year we had two Blizzards, the First one was NASTY! I was Caught in it... The Second was bad, but not as bad as the first one. I think the second was in March. Now, with that said, IN NO WAY do I think this will happen this winter, I'm just saying this to say that a Warm Christmas means Nothing! Now on to the Forecast below! Okay, Starting with Wednesday (Tomorrow), There is a disturbance moving past the state so Showers (Scattered) are possible from Little Rock on South and East. NO SEVERE WEATHER EXPECTED, Just the possibility of Scattered Rain. Now heading into New Years Eve, there is a Storm System that will be gathering o...