The Arkansas Weather Hawk: Offical Thanksgiving Forecast/Foodcast!!!
Hey Everybody, how's it going today?!! I said on social media two weeks ago that I would do an "Official Thanksgiving Forecast" on the 15th... But the 15th came, and I wasn't confident with the model guidance at that time, so I decided to wait a little while longer! I know I had some people messaging me, and even calling me "Hey Omarr, You said you was doing the forecast, what's going on!?" I didn't forget or anything, I've actually been faithfully studying the weather models, and data very closely as of late. I just, like I say, wasn't too confident in the model guidance at the moment. I wanted to give it more runs to see exactly what in all the models would "Mesh" on if you will. So at this point in the game, I believe I have a fairly clear picture of how thanksgiving will turn out. But, before I get to thanksgiving, I should mention, today (Friday, November 17th 2017) we have a fairly strong frontal boundary about to Segway...