The Arkansas Weather Hawk: Offical Thanksgiving Forecast/Foodcast!!!

      Hey Everybody, how's it going today?!! I said on social media two weeks ago that I would do an "Official Thanksgiving Forecast" on the 15th... But the 15th came, and I wasn't confident with the model guidance at that time, so I decided to wait a little while longer! I know I had some people messaging me, and even calling me "Hey Omarr, You said you was doing the forecast, what's going on!?" I didn't forget or anything, I've actually been faithfully studying the weather models, and data very closely as of late. I just, like I say, wasn't too confident in the model guidance at the moment. I wanted to give it more runs to see exactly what in all the models would "Mesh" on if you will. So at this point in the game, I believe I have a fairly clear picture of how thanksgiving will turn out. But, before I get to thanksgiving, I should mention, today (Friday, November 17th 2017) we have a fairly strong frontal boundary about to Segway through the state, and with it, it's bringing a chance for rain, and very strong winds. NOW, when I say "Rain, and very strong winds" I don't mean in terms of Severe Weather, I mean gusty winds ahead, and following the front, and there's also a chance for rain and maybe some thunder & lightning. I don't think there is cause for alarm there, but this is to say "Hey it's going to rain on Saturday (Tomorrow)." I think the greatest chance for rain is late Saturday Morning into Saturday Afternoon, and evening.
     Now, on to Thanksgiving, and Black Friday! So come Tuesday Night, and into Wednesday morning there will be a frontal boundary to move through the state. I DO NOT see any rain chances with this, but I do however see a wild swing in temperatures Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
This map here is valid between the hours of 6am and 12 noon on Wednesday Afternoon, as you can see by this time the front is already into the state with Low 40s throughout Central Arkansas with some spots in North Arkansas in the 30s already by that time. so you can clearly see where the front is and what the temps will be the day before Thanksgiving.
Now we're going to skip ahead to Thanksgiving Morning around 6am. Temperatures are projected to be in the 30s throughout the entire state with the exception of certain spots in South Arkansas that may be in the low 40s.
Now this is valid in between 6am and 12 noon on Thanksgiving day. Temperatures are projected to be COLD the Morning of Thanksgiving.
This is valid from 12Noon to 6pm on Thanksgiving day. 

As you can see from the Morning time chilly temperatures it warms up a bit during the afternoon and evening hours on Thanksgiving Day.
Now, as you can see, due in part to a Cold Front coming in the days before Thanksgiving we are forecasted to have a cold/chilly Thanksgiving Morning, Day, and Night. GOOD NEWS is there is at least at THIS POINT no rain, or precipitation expected on Thanksgiving or after. But, it will feel like November however. SO WITH THAT SAID, there is Black Friday Shoppers that will be camping out throughout the day, and night on Thanksgiving for the Black Friday Sales (Myself included), BUNDLE UP. It will be Cold Thanksgiving Morning, and Cool throughout the day and evening, so DRESS ACCORDINGLY. With that being said, I know there will be additional sales on the morning of Black Friday, the Temperatures are expected to be in the low 40s on Friday Morning! There will be a decent warm up the weekend following Thanksgiving, no rain expected at this time. with all of that said, I do appreciate EVERYBODY for coming here to the Weather Hawk's Blog for Weather Information, if you have any questions or input, plz feel free to comment, and like, and share this forecast! Have a Great rest of your Night everyone!

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