Welcome To The Arkansunna!!!!!

     Welcome to the Arkansas Desert!!!! The place where temperatures rise with no relief or clouds to stop them. LOL. But all Jokes aside, guys it's DANGEROUSLY Hot outside. The Heat index is 100°+ in most areas. A Heat Advisory is in effect for a major part of the state for the better part of the week. Your forecast is a chance of Heavy Sun shine, with a 100% chance of extreme HEAT!!!
Here's a forecast Courtesy of the National Weather Service in North Little Rock. This is the Expected Heat indexes around the state. This is REALLY Hot weather Folks. It's DANGEROUSLY Hot outside. This is the reason why there are Heat Advisories everywhere. 

Here's some Heat Safety Tips. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! Esp if you are messing around out doors. Drink as Much Water as you feel you need to. Carry Lots of Liquid with you. Gatorade, Powerade are also GREAT Drinks that can put those Electrolytes back into your body!! DO NOT DRESS IN LAYERS!!! Jeans are fine but do NOT wear multiple layers of clothes!!! 
If you are messing around outside PLZ, Take Frequent Breaks, have a Towel for Sweat. Every 10 minuets take a break and get into some A/C !!! 

Do NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT Leave PLANTS AND ANIMALS outside exposed to that heat. It is a CRIME and against the LAW!!! Dogs can't be exposed to the heat for anymore than 15 minuets during the hotter hours of the day. If they are out any longer than 15 minuets, it could be DEADLY!!! If you see any dogs exposed call 911 or Animal Control!! 

Do NOT LEAVE ANY LIVING CREATURES Closed into a Hot Car, Truck, or Cage!! The Temperature can often times Exceed the Temperatures outside. Don't forget to check on elderly people if they are out in the heat, or in a house with limited A\C. 

Thank You all for Coming to the Blogg, I am The Arkansas Weather Hawk

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