
Showing posts from April, 2016

*Severe Weather Update** #WednesdayTroubles

      Hey GoodEvening Everybody! I hope you're having a great day so far, Look I don't want to waste anytime digressing, very serious weather moving in, let's go All In! Okay so Oklahoma will get serious weather this evening, and tonight. They are under a PDS (Particularly Dangerous Situation) Tornado Watch... PDS Watches account for less than 2% of all Tornado Watches issued by the Storm Prediction Center. So when you see a PDS watch, that means it's BAD! BUT, that's Oklahoma, I have No reason to believe we will get one here in Arkansas.      Those Storms in Oklahoma will get close to and move over here towards Arkansas Later tonight, and overnight. Now by the time it gets HERE it will be a lot Weaker in nature so it won't be as bad. BUT, here's the Catch 22 to this, when the sun rises tomorrow, as it moves out of West Arkansas, and into Central Arkansas the Storms WILL REINTENSIFY. Okay, so let's play this Out....... Around 2am the Storms Start to cre...

Mid Week Trouble!!!

     GoodEvening everybody I hope everybody's having a well night so far. I just got done checking the evening run of the Weather Models, and it seems that we have some Typical Spring Weather coming by the Middle of the incoming work week. The Threats will be High Damaging Thunderstorm Winds, Large Hail, and Tornadoes are definitely possible! It's starting to become a bit clearer what's likely going to happen when this stuff comes in, let's break it down.      It looks like this will be a TYPICAL spring setup. For the public, that's not a good thing. Here's the deal, Tuesday night there will be a chance for Severe Weather in Far West Arkansas (Just some strong storms). The real threat is Wednesday. For West Arkansas, Wednesday Afternoon.... For Central Arkansas, Wednesday Evening. For East Arkansas, Wednesday Night! That's the expected timeline. Now when it comes to Severe Weather the chance really comes in later in the day as the Heating of the ground rea...

Wet, Dry, Wet, Clear, Wet again!

     Hey GoodMorning Everybody How's it going!! Just doing a weather update, I haven't done one in a while, and I miss my weather blog, I miss my weather page. I was feeling lonely. ! Seriously! I was feeling lonely without my true love (WEATHER). So I had to do a weather update, even if there's nothing to talk about, I still had to say something! But there actually is something to talk about, RAIN! We are once again getting bad flooding down in Texas right now. This time it's Houston. It's bad man, its real bad. At least from the flooding pictures, and video that I'VE SEEN! That is a CLASSIC EXAMPLE of what happens when you don't take care of LITTER, STORM DRAINS, AND LOCAL RIVERS AND CREEKS. You have to CLEAN UP what you MESS UP, otherwise the water fall out the sky and backup. This is how it goes. ! But we won't get nothing like that, we'll just get decent rainfall, which is what we need, wash some of that pollen away. Let's break it down.   ...