Well I don't know if you guys know or not,  but today marks the 1 year anniversary of The Arkansas Weather Hawk's Blogg. It has only been a year but it feels like its been YEARS! I love this Blog,  when I started out with this blog it was only 4 views in the stats LOL. But as the days have gone by it has wenf from 4 to over 195,000 hits on this blog from last year to today.  This blog gets awesome support by family and friends. With the help of a few people and paychecks,  I plan on designing some Arkansas Weather Hawk T-shirts, and Logo.  When I first started this blog, I wasn't really expecting it to be a big hit with people. I started thia blog mainly to make it easier to broadcast people about incoming Storm Systems that could be dangerous to fellow Arkansans. I found that a blog was much easier than writing these HUGE Gigantic Paragraphs all over Facebook, then breaking it up into a MILLION Peaces on Twitter. I figured I could make a place where I can explain what the weather is doing in sections, and in paragraphs that are ALWAYS THERE, and that people can Bookmark, come back for, save, download. Stuff like that. You really can't  do stuff like that in the middle of your news feed on Facebook, or midway down your TL chopped up into a million broken up tweets that half make sense on twitter. I wanted one general location where I can do these PRESENTATIONS and people of any intelligence level can look at this stuff and understand, and know what's going on and what to look for when dangerous weather come in. So with the Help of Google and just through being smart, I designed this Weather Blog on June 6th 2014 with a very great deal of skepticism. But I stuck with my unorganized, random, and somewhat awkward creation, and I've worked out the kinks and turned my creation into what I think is a Masterpiece.
     Now I don't ever really want a award, or a medal for The Weather Hawk's Blog, HOWEVER, I won't turn one down. I just want this blog to be the place where people can come to and UNDERSTAND what's going on with the Weather around them through PLAIN ENGLISH. More often than not Meteorologist always talk in Science Terms and they fail to realize that the Normal People don't understand that stuff. So I take pride in breaking down the complications of weather into the language that we was raised with. I also take pride in translating what's going on with the weather into how it's going to have an effect on you're life, or what you're doing, or how you're driving, or whatever. I take great pride in doing this while still maintaining a level of professionalism.


I also want to say THANK YOU to all my Followers, Supporters, Family, and Friends that Support this Blog, and come to this blog for Weather Information. You are the reason why this is so Important to me and this is the reason why Weather is a part of me. Thank You all for coming to the blog. Continue to come here, Bring others here. Bookmark thia blog, and save it because it isn't going ANYWHERE!!!  

Follow Me on Social Media 
TheArkansas WeatherHawk - Facebook 
@OmarrWilson - Twitter 
The Arkansas Weather Hawk - Google Plus 

I am The Arkansas Weather Hawk


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