Hey guys, how it going!? Remember last month I told everybody that our fall would be SLOW and DRY. I said it would be uneventful, at least the START of fall anyways. I told you guys that I didn't expect our fall to kick in until LATE in the season! What seems to be happening!? Where did I get ny predictions from you ask? Well, that just a happy sailor's secret. But however, I KNOW MY STUFF! This is why I chose to pursue a Weather Career, because I be on the money, but I digress. This has been one of the DRIEST Falls so far, HIGH Wildfire danger, serious burn bans. I'm talking DANGEROUSLY Dry conditions. You know it's dry when Farm machinery catch on fire just because it's dry, WHO'S EVER HEARD OF THAT??? Stuff like that happening that means it's serious.
Well Not to worry, we have relief coming within the next 24-48 hours. Our relief comes from a different source rather than a system. This source is more of a setup than a system. Basically in simplified terms, a door has been opened that was keeping moisture in the tropics ( Golf of Mexico) from getting inland. Well, the area of high pressure that kept us hot and dry is starting to lift up into another area of the county. That opens the door to the tropics, because of how the Jet Stream is positioned, it will serve as a feeding tube, pushing the moisture from the ocean right up through Texas and into the southern 1/2 of Arkansas making somewhat of a corridor of rain streaming up from the ocean. This will give us GREAT rain chances for Friday Afternoon, Evening, Night, and into Saturday. Rain that we DESPERATELY need.
Now, with that being said, Little Rock people DO NOT know how to drive on wet pavement. When it sprinkle, there are 5 accidents and 3 car pileups. People tires will likely be bald or SLIPPERY on wet pavement due to how dry things have been, so DRIVE SLOW! People will read this and Still drive stupid and crash into something, but at least I told you so! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
Well Not to worry, we have relief coming within the next 24-48 hours. Our relief comes from a different source rather than a system. This source is more of a setup than a system. Basically in simplified terms, a door has been opened that was keeping moisture in the tropics ( Golf of Mexico) from getting inland. Well, the area of high pressure that kept us hot and dry is starting to lift up into another area of the county. That opens the door to the tropics, because of how the Jet Stream is positioned, it will serve as a feeding tube, pushing the moisture from the ocean right up through Texas and into the southern 1/2 of Arkansas making somewhat of a corridor of rain streaming up from the ocean. This will give us GREAT rain chances for Friday Afternoon, Evening, Night, and into Saturday. Rain that we DESPERATELY need.
Now, with that being said, Little Rock people DO NOT know how to drive on wet pavement. When it sprinkle, there are 5 accidents and 3 car pileups. People tires will likely be bald or SLIPPERY on wet pavement due to how dry things have been, so DRIVE SLOW! People will read this and Still drive stupid and crash into something, but at least I told you so! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
Now, the NAM (North American Model) brings the bolk of the rain in Late Friday, and early Saturday morning with it tappering off through the morning on Saturday. This particular model is lighter in terms of rain coverage and quicker to get everything in and out of here. It's just one Weather Model out of many.
Now this is the GFS (Global Forecasting System) weather model. This particular model is more intense in terms of rain coverage, and also slower in terms of duration. This model has the bolk of the rain coming in later Saturday and into Sunday with it tappering off through Sunday morning. I DO NOT think it will last that long, but it certainly could.
What do I think will happen, well honestly, I haven't had the time to read the weather models, and profil this system for long enough to get a vibe off of it. I only started watching this setup the day before yesterday. I've been very busy working and preparing for a exam. But I think from Central Arkansas on south, we'll get some good chances for rain. I don't think the rain will start HERE until Saturday. The atmosphere is very dry around here so it will take a second for the rain to saturate the atmosphere and actually make it to the ground without melting midway down. So bc of Virga conditions, I believe it'll start later in the evening on Friday as Scattered showers and possibly thundershowers, but at some point on Saturday the bulk of the rain will move through and it'll start to trapper out. It will be enough rain, but I do NOT think it will be quite enough to bring us out of this drought, however the rain will provide some relief. Some rain is better than No rain, so I'll take it.
I am the Arkansas Weather Hawk, I appreciate EVERYBODY that faithfully follows me and read my weather updates. Your support means a lot, and I'll continue to do this as long as I'm making a difference!
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