Summer Arkaheat

        Hey guys how's it going! Just wanted to share some summer weather safety advice. Arkansas Heat can be Very dangerous in the summer time. And if you're not careful you can get heat exhaustion and pass out or even worse die from the intense summer sun. It's not as far fetched as it sound. Lots of people young people especially, tend to think that they'll be fine or simply not care. And that's a quick way of getting yourself hurt from the heat.

    Advice- Drink LOT'S of Water or Liquids, Get Good or Decent Rest, Avoid going out during the hottest parts of the day, Do not Wear too many layors if you do go out, wear sunscreen. Exposed Skin can be painful in the hot sun. Get cool whenever possible. If at all possible help others that are not properly prepared for the summer heat.

 Guys I appreciate you for choosing me to be your go to guy for weather information. I will do another post later regarding possible rain chances. So stay tuned. Y'all enjoy the rest of your day!


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