From Winter to Spring???
Guys February is Coming!!!! Guess what that means!! No, Not Black History Month... No, Not Superbowl Sunday.. NO, Not Valentine's Day... Severe Weather Awareness is what Im talking about. February, and March are what I like to call "Transition Months", and basically what that is, are months where we go from one season to another, and the weather changes gear and go in different directions. Now I mention this soo early because even though Winter may try to make a return with cooler temperatures, when It comes To Winter Weather, Im calling a quits. Now I wouldn't be surprised if we get like flurries or alil sleet in the future. BUT, Our odds of any accumulative winter weather is Dead in my opinion . But it's just that, an opinion, that's just what my Gut tells me. Now when you talk about mild, it's been that. I can remember a few years in recent history where we had an early and Active Severe Weather season. Tornadoes and Severe we...