By    Check out the Temperature in West Little Rock on Tuesday January 6th as of 5:25PM

 It was actually 53° here in West Little Rock as of 5:25PM. Now later on in this blog post I'm going to post some picture graphics generated by the National Weather Service in North Little Rock Arkansas. When I tell you it's going to get DAMN COLD!!!!! It's about to get Dangerously Cold guys.

   Remember two days ago I posted on the blog about Imaginary Gates up north trapping cold air into Canada.?? Remember that? Well as I stated those gates will swing open and the Bitterly Cold Artic air will rush south through the states and straight towards us. Guys when I tell you this air is coming from the Artic Circle formally known as the "North Pole". Lows in North Arkansas in the SINGLE DIGITS !!! Maybe as Low as 9° in the Low Valley areas of the Little Rock METRO!!!!!  This is Some SERIOUS Cold coming into the state the next few days. GET PETS INSIDE!!!! homeless people GET IN A SHELTER!!!! GET PLANTS INSIDE!!!! Young kids going to Bus Stops DRESS WARMLY OR FIND A RIDE TO SCHOOL!!!!! This type of Cold is No joke. It will be cold. It will be Dry. Cold dry air is DANGEROUS.! We don't get these kind of temperatures here in Arkansas so it's not a normal thing. That's why it's a big deal. Take all necessary Precautions. Drip your pipes. Warm cars up!! But you NEED to prepare for this cold air. I know lots of people are sick with winter colds. If you don't want FLU or Pneumonia YOU NEED TO DRESS APPROPRIATELY!!  Here are some maps from the National Weather Service.!

Here are some Projected Low Temperatures Wednesday Night and Thursday Morning. Notice Single Digits in North Arkansas. Notice Very Close to Low Temperatures Around West and throughout Central Arkansas. Very Cold Stuff. Drip Pipes. Keep cars Warm. 

 Here's some very Nice And helpful Tips from the National Weather Service here in North Little Rock Arkansas. Cold temperatures can be JUST as dangerous as Hot Temperatures. Like I said Earlier, Stay in Doors, Stay Warm, Drip Pipes, Keep Cars Warm, Keep Pets inside, Keep Plants Inside. STAY INSIDE, STAY WARM, iF You just Must go outside DRESS IN LAYERS!! 

I Appreciate Everybody that Follow me On Facebook Twitter And here on the Weather Blog. You guys make the Extra Time and trouble I go through worth it. Your Support makes me feel really good and really Confident about my Natural God Given Abilities. And I thank you all for it. Be Safe And Warm Everybody!!! 
-The Arkansas Weather Hawk


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